Sunday, 27 November 2011


I do want to mention that this
weekend we cooked up some turkey bacon..
It was very good, I think Im going to buy that from
now cooks up really nice,
 and there isnt the fat on it.. or not to mention the grease.
everyone enjoyed it as much as I did..
they cut it a bit thicker than the pork bacon..
and it has more meat to it..
a good choice,

update on the coffee break

hi everybody,
sorry I really havent been on the blog much..its been a crazy few weeks...
Where I work, we will be finished work soon, as the students go home or travel
during December. Our offical day will be the 16th, so for now its
kind of crazy for me..trying to get things organized and be ready for the shut down..
anyway, I wanted you all to know we raised in total: $807.00..
yes, we dropped the check off to them on Friday, and of course you know
we had the pictures and a little chit chat..
One of the Board members suggested that we kind of team up..
the students have to do 3 hours a week to make up for the cheap rent and great food they receive..
there's more to it, but thats the basics of it..
she thought it would be a great thing for us to volunteer at the Alzheimers Society
to help them and to help our students to get there 3hours..
What a great team!!
I will say, there is no other feeling, then to volunteer..especially when its someone who
needs the help, or encouragement..
 just a little goes along way..
ok, so thats it for now..
 I am looking at some recipes to put on the blog in a few days..

The students have been talking about having a meatout Monday, which you know
doesnt hurt..I enjoy meat..but there is lots of good in fruits and veggies..
maybe I will post a recipe from the meal we choose..
ok, bye for now..

Saturday, 12 November 2011

just a short note...

Soon it will be Thanksgiving in America,
It is the biggest holiday of the year
there, its bigger than Christmas!!

Well almost..
at co op we try to observe all other holidays in the world by a meal..
its a great way to see and taste the variety of foods everyone makes..
Usually the students bring there family recipes, and the
secrets of there moms kitchen..
its a great time to get to know everyone better..

November 24th will be the American Thanks Giving..
happy turkey day guys..
we will chat soon..

lunch it up

yesterday we had deli day,
which, if you ask some of our co opers
they would disapprove..
its not a good for some..
but we figured that, those of the co opers and I that were
cooking in the kitchen..
so we made it a real deli day!
we had couscous salads, a huge variety of meats,
egg salad, fake egg salad for the vegan group.
ceasar salad, greek salad, 2 kinds of soup
and bread, facaccia bread, wraps, and sub buns..
deviled eggs, sauted onions, mushrooms, assorted sauted veggies
well we had great reviews..
some times you can serve the same thing..but add a little
something to it, and it becomes a new adventure...

couscous is a grain, and you can cook it with some
chicken broth, veggie broth..
we put some sauted onions, peppers,( add colours)
zuccinni..when you cook the couscous, you boil the water
and add the cousous, shout the stove off and put a lid on the pot...
equal parts of water and couscous..
nice change, eat it hot or cold..
I don't use a lot of precooked packaged meats,
Im not a fan of it..
anyway, it ened up a good day, people worked together
it went as smooth as silk..

deviled eggs, its an easy thing to make and people love it
boil your eggs to hard..7, 8 minutes.
cut eggs in half and take out the yolk..
put the yolk in a bowl.. place the outside of the egg on
a plate or platter..
take mayo, or ranch dressing and mix witht he yolk.
add some pepper and salt maybe a tiny sprinkle of sugar
sprinkle paprika over the finished deviled eggs..
put in fridge till serving time..

I have been a bit slow on reporting to you on my blog..
but those of you in school and working, know where Im coming from..
and like I said before, I volunteer at a few places, so what I want to do and really getting to it is sometimes a challenge..

Thursday, 3 November 2011

an update

the coffee break I take outside on the street where I live
was a great success..
We raised outside 380.00, another 150.00 from mail in donations
Co op is giving them a  $250.00 check..
we did well this year..
Thanks to all that stood on the street with me
and those who made the goodies to sell!
Another huge thanks to Ella who donated coffee
and donuts..homemade I might add..
It was a fun time for all of us..
We are proud to have been able to help a great cause..
I work with some Alzheimer patients
and it really is a difficult thing to watch these people
who lived a normal life..
then it feels like the next day, they slowly dont realize who is
talking to them, or helping them dress, or even pictures of family
are unrecognizable..
its a painful thing for everyone involved..