well, getting rid of leftovers is easy..
there is soup, of all kinds, turkey, potatoe,
maybe yams, turnip carrots..
its endless..
at one time we used to have goose.. thats greasy..
dripping grease..
but it was a treat..
the home grown version of anything is the tastiest item..
you can't beat it..
lets start with the bird part of dinner,
if you got to take some home, or you were the host,
keep the drippings some for gravy, and some for the broth
boil down the bones..which takes time..
do it slowly..take all day, if you like..
just keep watch of the water..
a bit of salt ,pepper,and some poultry season
let it simmer.....
while your waiting for that..lets see
if you have some potaoes and yams, and maybe turnip left..you can
put them together and add cream cheese, mix and bake for about a half hour..
you can put them together with some broth in a pot and add some onion, garlic,
salt pepper..and there is soup..
you can do turkey sandwiches..I used to love a piece of turkey, some homemade cranberries
and layer it on with some ground pepper..mmm
toasted or not..it was a fav
you can always make gravy, or buy the can or package kind
and make it up..slice of bread, slice of turkey, slice of onion..
and then pour the gravy on...
yes..I give thanks for that one..
and for those who dont eat meat..
there is always plenty of veggies left..that you can do the same as the meat eaters..
just be sure its veggie broth instead..
as if you didnt know that already..
I always take the leftovers out and look at them, see what will work together and what should be seperate
its an easy thing..experiment..you really cant go wrong..if you are in doubt, check online.
we should do a spice and herb thing..that would be a great idea..
no matter what spice or herb you choose, it will always come down to the salt and pepper..
and being on a budget, doesnt give you the freedom to buy what you want..
but thats ok, you can make it work..
buying dried will have to do, until you get your loan paid..
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