Saturday, 29 October 2011


well I hope you all have fun on Halloween..
when I was a kid, that was the best time..
eating the molasses candies, oh they were my favourites!
Anything mollasses, we would get these small apples around that time of year.
Snows apples, I think they called them..tiny apples and really white inside..
Soaping windows came along with that night too..
we would put our winter coats on, our boots and then our costume..
we would grab our pillow cases, and off we would go..
Mom would drop us of at the store, we would go all around the town,
she would be waiting for us at the store, right were we started..
when I say we, I mean my sister Gail.. Tina was just a baby..
it was so cold at that time, snow on the ground and sometimes really high.
the first stop would be the general store..Freemans,
 they would give us a can of coca cola
and a bag of potatoe we thought that was great
We used to get lots of home made candies, popcorn balls, I loved those.
then the rumours of all those kids getting straight pins in ther popcorn balls
stopped us right then and more home made stuff..
it was a disappointment, but safety first..
carving pumpkins, making a costume, we never bought one..and
 I dont think any of my friends did either..
Nobody could afford to.
we usually went as hobos, or clowns, or some guys went as girls,
I remember one kid went as a kitchen table..
they glued a tea pot and cups on the top and a couple plates..

yes we egged a few things and soaped a few..and then there was the
nicky, nicky nine door..
I used to string tin cans to the peoples cars when they came to get candy
at our house..
Now I was in my 20's when I did this..
they would always get us back
One of them used to say they needed to use the bathroom
and they would plaster the seat with baby oil..
(that was when we finally got an inside bathroom)
It was all in fun..
So have a great time this Halloween,
I"ll be watchin for all you ghosts
n gobblins..

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