Sunday 27 November 2011

update on the coffee break

hi everybody,
sorry I really havent been on the blog much..its been a crazy few weeks...
Where I work, we will be finished work soon, as the students go home or travel
during December. Our offical day will be the 16th, so for now its
kind of crazy for me..trying to get things organized and be ready for the shut down..
anyway, I wanted you all to know we raised in total: $807.00..
yes, we dropped the check off to them on Friday, and of course you know
we had the pictures and a little chit chat..
One of the Board members suggested that we kind of team up..
the students have to do 3 hours a week to make up for the cheap rent and great food they receive..
there's more to it, but thats the basics of it..
she thought it would be a great thing for us to volunteer at the Alzheimers Society
to help them and to help our students to get there 3hours..
What a great team!!
I will say, there is no other feeling, then to volunteer..especially when its someone who
needs the help, or encouragement..
 just a little goes along way..
ok, so thats it for now..
 I am looking at some recipes to put on the blog in a few days..

The students have been talking about having a meatout Monday, which you know
doesnt hurt..I enjoy meat..but there is lots of good in fruits and veggies..
maybe I will post a recipe from the meal we choose..
ok, bye for now..

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