Thursday 3 November 2011

an update

the coffee break I take outside on the street where I live
was a great success..
We raised outside 380.00, another 150.00 from mail in donations
Co op is giving them a  $250.00 check..
we did well this year..
Thanks to all that stood on the street with me
and those who made the goodies to sell!
Another huge thanks to Ella who donated coffee
and donuts..homemade I might add..
It was a fun time for all of us..
We are proud to have been able to help a great cause..
I work with some Alzheimer patients
and it really is a difficult thing to watch these people
who lived a normal life..
then it feels like the next day, they slowly dont realize who is
talking to them, or helping them dress, or even pictures of family
are unrecognizable..
its a painful thing for everyone involved..

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