Monday 13 February 2012

delicious gluten free crust

oh not only are the gluten free gonna love this, but all of you will
enjoy this crust..
ok so here we go:

3 1/3 cups unsweet shredded coconut
3 large egg whites
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
3/4 tsp vanilla

mix all together, butter a 9in pan or
you can butter muffin tins (12)
lightly press mixture against sides and bottom of pan
or cups..
bake 375 until bottom is tanned and sides are golden
brown..10 mins


3 eggs beaten
3/4 cup sugar
5 tbsp orange juice
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp grated orange rind
1/4 cup butter
combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and cook at just
below a boil, mixture will thicken
and coat a spoon(15 minutes)
pour into cooled crust then refridgerate

let harden and enjoy....

this is so good, but rich tasting..

tomorrow is Valentines day..
happy day to those who have a partener that will spoil them..
and to the rest of us...
Is it all hype..
no matter how your doing it, have a good day
after all its a good reason to eat chocolate

until next time.....

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