Thursday 22 September 2011


these biscuits are so easy..
and you can use this for  breakfast..
jam on them or with stew or soup..

2 c flour
2tsp baking powder
3Tbsp marg.
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 c buttermilk
if you dont have buttermilk, just put a bit of vinegar
in your regular milk..
it does the same thing..

combine the first 3 ingredients
cut in marg until it crumbles..
put baking soda into milk
add to flour mixture..
mix until dopugh forms a ball
knead, roll out on a floured surface
and take a glass or a small jar to make a round shape
to cut out into biscuits
put on a baking sheet(greased)
400 degrees 10 to 12 mins

remember not to knead to much, they can get tough.
just a couple of minutes is good..

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