Sunday 11 September 2011

its not that easy

its not always easy to go and buy those things you would like to have in the kitchen..
not having money can be a bummer..
but the upside is,it makes you a little more apt to create with
what you have..
sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt..
use small portions when trying to create, or recreate something..
I tell you when I work in the kitchen at Co op its
awesome..because everything is at your finger tips..
its great cooking like that..
we have many allergies in this little community of ours,
so we are more mindful of what we are doing..
reading labels is what its all about..which is going to be my next subject:
gluten..yes..gluten..its everywhere..
so I have a few recipes for those of you who want to take it out of your diet,
or have no choice but to take it out..
stay tuned.............

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